Monday, September 16, 2013


At midnight tonight I will be 40.  My parents had the option of choosing the 16th or 17th as my birthday as I was born at midnight.  My grandparent's anniversary was September 17 so my parents wisely chose the 17th for my birthday!  My mom and dad came to town to have dinner with us tonight and as dad left he asked if turning 40 bothered me, I answered with an absolute "no way".  I will tell you that I am honestly so excited about my 40's because I feel like I might actually have some things figured out in life!  The fact that I will be graduating with my Bachelor's Degree this spring is one big exciting thing that will happen, hopefully to be followed by a teaching job next fall!  But, this is just one little accomplishment that I am excited for, but certainly not the high point of my life.  

I have had a pretty blessed life, any problems I have had have been completely of my own making with no one else to blame.  I've had to learn some very hard lessons but luckily have had some very loving and supportive people around me to help me through those lessons.  I would like to mention a few of these people and I absolutely know I will forget someone and for that, I apologize.  Please know that I see every mistake and opportunity in my life as a road to where God has led me today.  He truly has "made all things new" in my life by allowing me to have trials and hurts, joys and blessing.  

Jodi C. is one woman who probably turned my life around more than any other person.  Here's how she did that.  Every week at MOPS she loved on me, hugged me, told me she loved me, cried with me when I needed to, and taught me about how much God loved me, no matter what.  She welcomed me into a Bible Study with other women, which in turn led me to meeting other women, beautiful, amazing women.  We laughed and cried together, we shared what we thought no one would ever accept about us.  We read scripture together, learned together, and grew in Christ.  Julie R, Heidi B, Roxanne W, Sara R, and others, you helped me grow.  Thank you.

Megan, Thea, Robyn, Julie M, you all have been my rock.  I am a horrible phone call maker and don't always stop by when I'm back in town but I want you to know how much I love you all and how my life would be so much less if I didn't have your friendship.  You are those friends who I can pick up a conversation with and it's as if I never moved away. 

Parkview Baptist Church-there aren't enough ways to praise your grace and mercy.  If I could tell anyone one thing to do to make their life better it would be to go to this church, get plugged in, and learn what the Bible has to say about your life.  Pastor John sat me down with Ken one day and simply gave us permission to make a choice.  Do what "everyone else does" or make a different choice, see what God does.  We knew instantly what our choice was and worked, prayed, and came out better people because of it.  Not of our own power, all the power of submission to Christ and commitment to each other.  

My family...where to even start???  I have a dad with personality.  He's funny, stubborn, tough, and gentle.  He's a man who joyfully and anonymously gives to others in small ways but ways that bring tears to my eyes.  He makes conversation with anyone and I mean anyone!  He works hard, and even though we would like him to take it easy, that's not in his nature.  His passion for old cars shows but his passion for old cars with meaning to him (like the gas truck he has refinished) are the ones that make me the most proud.  He doesn't have the fanciest cars, he has cars with a connection to his past and his heart.  My mom couldn't volunteer anymore hours if she tried.  Who has time to work when you are busy serving your community?  She is the proverbial peacemaker.  She wants everyone to feel welcome, never has known a stranger, and is passionate about genealogy.  Her heart is so big and the dedication to finding every last detail about her family is amazing.  Taking her to Kentucky was such a blessing for both of us this summer.  My brother has beat brain cancer, become a grandfather, and follows my dad's footsteps in his passion for cars.  He loves his family deeply and loves the Lord.  My sister and I couldn't be more different in some ways but exactly the same in others.  I envy her organizational skills, craftiness, and ability to keep everything in it's place.  I know my personality drives her nuts sometimes but she loves me and I love her deeply.  

Carter, your heart is so beautiful.  You are funny, silly, serious, and share your love of sports with your father but every once in awhile, I see a little bit of me in you.  I think about when you were so little and sick and I can't believe you are so strong and athletic now.  Your sense of humor is one of a kind.  Sometimes I look at you and I swear, Jay Terry is in my house.  
Rylee, I wasn't the best mom that I wanted to be when you were little.  I was so young and immature and I made mistakes.  As I teach my preschoolers now I think I would have been such a better mom if I would have played with you more, snuggled with you longer, been less selfish.  But, God has given you so many gifts and I am humbled by your heart, your willingness to help others, the way that you get excited for things, and for the brave way you take on challenges.  While most kids would have freaked out at the thought of moving right before their junior year, you took the bull by the horns, jumped right in and made yourself a part of our new community and your new school.  You make the best of situations, you fight for your beliefs, you are strong.
Ken, my strongest supporter, my biggest advocate, the love that I have had for over 1/2 of my life.  I don't know anyone else who suffered the losses that you have and yet chose to live their life as one who takes on the next challenge.  You always remind me that when something bad happens, we have to make the choice how we will let it affect us.  We can dwell on the hurt, be mad, angry, and victimized or we can choose to move forward, be positive, and see results that bring about positive change around us.  I am so honored to be your wife.  I pray that I am becoming the wife that God made me to be.  

The reason that 40 is going to be so great is that God has allowed me to go through some big bumps in my life and has prepared me to share my life with children and with other adults, to show them the love that has been shown to me.  To play, to sing, to comfort, and to love.  To serve, to share, to laugh, and to cry.  The real stuff in life that is important.  The college degree is just one of the sprinkles on the top of the cake!